Over christmas, I thought I'd do a bit of design purely for the fun and challenge of it all. So I had a look through my sketches and found one that I'd almost forgot about. the 2 speed manual screwdriver.
The idea was to create a manual screwdriver for DIY projects where electric screwdrivers can be a bit of a pain, or risk damaging expensive electronics parts.
The screwdriver needed to;
Be compact for tight spaces
Have a gearbox that allowed users to switch between 4x speed mode or a ¼ speed mode for higher torque
Incorporate a wrist strap for those awkward builds where sod's law makes dropping your tools inevitable.
After much trial and error, design and redesign I settled on a fairly simple set up. The main body of the screwdriver doubles up as the ring gear of a planetary gearbox, paired with a revolving section (hence the name) that can switch between engaging the sun gear or the carrier via a clutch. One of the main benefits of this design is the ability to rotate the bit, without having to change hand position, much like you get on some precision screwdrivers. Meaning less of chance slipping and making delicate/awkward work much easier. You can find the full listing here on printables where my design hit the no1 trending spot for about a month :D !
I also managed to garner attention from popular tech site HACKADAY! https://hackaday.com/2024/02/08/the-revolver-a-3d-printed-screwdriver/
And featured on a youtube review channel for 3d prints
Not bad for my first upload on the site. If you have a 3d printer, the download is free and comes with a complete assembly guide with pictures and descriptions to talk you through the process.